Exhibitor/Sponsor Form


This person will receive all communications from the TSPRA State Office.

If you have exhibited/sponsored at a TSPRA conference before, is this the same address used in previous years. *


If the billing contact and address is different from the primary contact's information, please fill out the fields below. If they are the same, you can leave these fields blank.

Is the billing contact and address different from the primary contact's information

BADGES (These are exhibitor badges, not registration badges)

Please list all the persons who will need a badge.

  • Two badges are included in the price of the 6’ table top exhibit space.
  • Three badges are included in the price of a 10’ x 10’ exhibit space.
  • Four badges are included in the price of a 20’ x 10’ exhibit space.

[Note: $25K, $15K and $10K sponsors get unlimited badges; $5K sponsors get five badges; $2.5K sponsors get four badges]

Additional badges, not included in your agreement, are $100 each.

If you need more than 12 badges contact info@tspra.org.

First Name

Full Name for Badge


Email Address

Phone Number



Payment preference *
Payment frequency *

Your application for sponsorship will be reviewed and you will be contacted if approved and invoiced soon after. Space is limited, so please submit your application as soon as possible.


Exhibits (without sponsorship)

If you wish to sell products such as jewelry, clothing, heath care, etc. in our Mercado area, contact the TSPRA office for booth pricing at info@tspra.org.

Sponsorship Tiers

If you chose to be a $25K sponsor, select one of the following

Sponsorship Events

Afternoon Breaks $1,000
Grab and Go Breakfast $2,500

Sponsored Items

Sponsored Areas

Program Ad Pricing