TSPRA Conference 2025 – Banquet Seat Reservation System


Instructions for making Star Award Celebration table reservations


*You can not purchase tickets here. You must first purchase your tickets through TSPRA’s conference registration links.

*Be sure to only select the same number of tickets that you have previously purchased on TSPRA’s conference registration links.

*The table chart is an approximation. The actually table setup may vary slightly.

*Use the minus button to view the whole chart. But it is easiest to reserve seats/tables when the chart is larger. The black box represents the stage at the front of the ballroom.

*If a seat/table is grayed out it means someone has already reserved those seats.

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1.  To select seats, click each seat separately. Don’t try to select the whole table all at once.

2.  Once you have selected your seat(s), the bottom area of the page will show the seat number(s) and the ticket quantity. The price will remain zero. Then click the purple BUY TICKET button.

3.  On the new page, under Billing Information, enter your name and email as the contact person.

4.  If you only reserved one seat, enter your name and email as the attendee and click BOOK NOW.

5.  If you ordered mutiple reservations, under Attendee Details you have two options.

Option 1: You may click Enable Bulk Attendee and all the tickets will be assigned to one person’s name. That person will receive separate emails for each ticket, which will include a QR code that the attendee must have to check-in to the event. Those emails may be forwarded to others. Be sure to tell them to have that email and QR code with them at the banquet.

Option 2: You may assign each ticket to a person with their name and email. They will receive an email with the QR code that the attendee must have to check-in to the event.

8.  If you have to cancel or make changes, contact Janet Crock (janet@tspra.org) in the TSPRA office.

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