
Wednesday Schedule

February 28, 2024

8:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Registration Open

8:00 AM – 4:00 PM

Exhibit Area Open (Tear Down Starts at 4 PM)

8:00 AM – 8:30 AM

Vendor Viewing

8:00 AM – 9:00 AM

Grab & Go Breakfast

8:30 AM – 10:30 AM

Second General Session; Officer Installation; Professional Awards; Key Communicator

9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

School PR Work Lounge – Sponsored by CatapultK12Catapult K12

10:30 AM – 11:00 AM

Vendor Viewing/Caffeinated Connections/Candy Cart – Sponsored by K12Insight

11:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Concurrent Breakout Sessions

Elizabeth Ross, Kacy Swaim; Longview ISD
Focus Area
Community Engagement
Calling all gamers, young and not so young, to Lobo Gamefest 2023! See how Longview ISD created a gaming E3 conference for students, families and the ETX community to connect our stakeholders to all the opportunities the gaming world can offer their students. Longview ISD worked hand in hand with Gearbox, TAMU, TAMU Prairie View, XBOX and MORE to provide an entertaining experience for students and an educational day for parents. This presentation will educate attendees on the best gaming companies to work with, creating educational breakouts, vendor fair, gaming tournament and how to bring it all together for a one day super gaming conference to showcase the education behind the gaming industry.
Julie Zwahr, Denton ISD; Bryce Nieman, Keller ISD; Nicole Lyons, Grapevine-Colleyville ISD
Focus Area
Community Engagement
Through the 88th regular session and again in four special sessions, state leaders have failed to agree on legislation that would fully fund Texas public schools. As school districts prepare budgets for the 2024-25 school year with many challenging decisions on the horizon, this interactive, hands-on session will give you the opportunity to collaborate with colleagues across the state to share ideas and develop consistent messaging you will be able to implement right away in your district.
Mariana Royer, Hurst-Euless-Bedford ISD
Focus Area
The HEB ISD Student Ambassadors are a group of students chosen to be the “Face of the District”. These student leaders are trained to assist with important public relations and communications services and assist with promoting HEB ISD while developing leadership skills through interacting with students and families, school staff and faculty, and the local community. Student Ambassadors are utilized to positively represent our district while learning the behind-the-scenes operations of a school district.
Lindsey Hunt, Elaina Polsen, Christina Talley; Clear Creek ISD
Focus Area
Community Engagement
Why should the students have all the fun? Engaged and informed parents, volunteers, and community members can improve the learning environment of a classroom. Learn how to take your subject matter experts and turn their content into engaging video instruction leveraging third-party platforms to educate and inform your key stakeholders. Topics like school safety, child behavior, college and career planning, school funding basics, and more can all be consumed on-demand and on their own time.
Eva DeCardenas, Amber Pecsenye; Clear Creek ISD
Focus Area
Community Engagement
Clear Creek ISD is changing the game for football stadium sponsorships. Any level, you can do it all in-house. Learn how we started, how it grew and how we sustain. Blending your sponsor’s brand and message with your district and community – while shining the Friday Night Lights on your students and programs – brings an elevated level of engagement to your fans – and value to your sponsors.
Jasmine Nguyen, Klein ISD
Focus Area
Communication departments handle SO much throughout the year, from event coverage to district priorities to our favorite: graduation. Get the inside scoop on how we combined the forces of our Superintendent Student Leadership Council, PR Squad, administration, and Class Intercom to leverage our internal and external communications and move the needle. It’s time to tap into your students & staff to help you take care of the “little c” while you focus on the “BIG C.”
Ron Bland, Ph.D.; Tammy Kuykendall; Midlothian ISD
Focus Area
Do you feel like all your coworkers appreciate the importance of good communication? Do teachers realize how effective communication makes their job easier? Does your staff understand the importance of perception? Learn how we attempt to get every staff member to consider perception while prioritizing communication.
Juan Hernandez, Graysen Reid; Forney ISD
Focus Area
We all know content is king, but creating top-notch content can be a royal pain. Join us for a session on crafting epic mobile videos that will have you reigning over your audience’s feed.
Anita Foster, Anthony Andro; Arlington ISD
Focus Area
When it comes to communications during a crisis, clarity is key. When a shooter opened fire at Lamar High School last March, the Arlington ISD communicated with parents, students, staff and the community immediately. Before the shooting, the team had built a new Crisis Communications Response Framework, a safety web page for parents and a new Security Tracker. Learn how these systems were tested on that day and the lessons learned since.
Brad Domitrovich, PR Zealot, TSPRA Past President
Focus Area
New Professionals
Join Brad for an insightful workshop tailored to those operating school communications offices with minimal staffing. Gain practical insights into juggling multiple responsibilities, prioritizing tasks, and effectively managing
your school’s reputation from a man who has started PR offices and successfully managed small, medium, and large School PR departments. Tips on time management, crisis communication, and community engagement will be shared – all designed to help you succeed and grow.

12:00 PM – 1:30 PM

Lunch on Your Own

1:30 PM – 2:30 PM

Roundtables (Sugarland Ballroom V & VI)

Shannon Schwartz, Lubbock ISD
Focus Area
Put your best foot forward and sharpen your sports photography skills from start to finish.
Kristin Zastoupil, Forney ISD
Focus Area
Advanced Professional
Are you a specialist or coordinator looking to make a jump to director or executive director? From the 1 person office to a 12 person team with over 20 years in school communications, learn what jumps out at hiring directors to make an advancement in your career.
Sarah Roberson, Tyler Vawser, Kelsey Buek; Apptegy
Focus Area
We’ll discuss SchoolCEO’s new qualitative research study, exploring why regular communication between district staff and principals is a must for ensuring a district’s brand health.
David Ritchey, Frankie Sauseda; Lamesa ISD
Focus Area
As a leader, you have many audiences that your vision needs to reach. Creating a district podcast allows you to reach everyone affectively. If you have commuters, it is a way for them to get informed while driving, without having to stop to read an email or watch a video. Your staff and community can hear what is going on in your district while they workout, while they walk their pet, or while they prepare dinner. Podcasts are accessible by everyone and easy to maintain and setup. Come learn how to start your own district podcast.
Cynthia Ybarra Leal, Pharr-San Juan-Alamo ISD
Focus Area
This session will provide attendees with a blueprint of how to establish their campus public relations network that can lead to an untapped source of content.
Jana Wiliamson, Pampa ISD; Travis Cram, edVantage Strategy Group
Focus Area
Do you have a bond election in your future? Join us for practical tips you can use to plan and PASS your bond. Learn how our district developed community connections to pass a historic bond after a failed bond election.
Jessica Williams, MA, Klein ISD
Focus Area
Struggle with quotes and group photos? Join Jessica Williams for School PR success. Overcome anxiety and introversion with practical tips and excel in your comfort zone.
Laura Truebenbach, Argyle ISD
Focus Area
Community Engagement
Argyle ISD committed to rebranding its partnership program last year with great success. Learn how to grow your program to optimize its potential with a proven strategic blueprint. This includes rebuilding community connections, communications, special events, and sponsorship levels. All while making your partners feel valued!
Melinda Brasher, Jo Ann Hernandez, Georgetown ISD; Hillary Robbins, Let’s Talk
Focus Area

With a record-breaking number of new hires in Texas K-12 leadership roles, communications professionals have doubled down on a top priority: Ensuring questions are answered quickly, accurately, and 24/7.

At the same time, PR professionals are being asked to improve customer service and increase communications access points while shortening response times.

Sound impossible? Georgetown ISD has made it a reality and saved hundreds of hours of staff time in the process. Join them as they share their secrets!

Charlene LaFerriere, Kimberly Gavrilles, TeacherLists; Kristin Barnes, Matthew LeBlanc, Eagle Mountain-Saginaw ISD
Focus Area
TeacherLists will discuss best practices for communicating important back-to-school information to families, and show real-life examples of tools and processes that have eased back-to-school stress for districts.
Julie Thannum, APR; Justin Dearing, Bob Noyed, APR; CESO Communications
Focus Area
The strategy team at CESO Communications will share tips, trends and topics relevant for today’s school PR professional. Tip sheet provided!
Corey Ryan, K12 Scholarus Learning
Focus Area
Community Engagement
Does your district value stakeholder feedback but need more clarity and consistency for its surveys? I’d like you to please meet with former TSPRA board member and school CCO Corey Ryan for strategies to inventory your current collection of surveys and streamline them for quality, consistency, and effectiveness.
Janet Wachs, Choice Partners Co-op, a division of Harris County Department of Education
Focus Area
Short on staff for product research, looking for a guest speaker or trying to find great swag for your convocation? Learn how to access vetted vendors that help you and your districts with events, marketing and promotional needs through membership in a cooperative.
Sydnee Cust, edVantage
Focus Area
Community Engagement
Feel like you aren’t reaching most of your community audience? Same ol’ marketing channels, same ol’ results? Explore the essential components of effectively optimized digital advertising channels like OTT, streaming CTV, and programmatic display (in-app) ads to reach real people on real devices in real time.
Jessika McKernan, edVantage
Focus Area
Everyone knows how to post, but Meta can be a mystery when it comes to managing your ISD account as business. Is your district set up properly to reach your audience? What is a boosted post – and how effective is it really? Learn about Meta Business Manager and Ad Manager and the impact of organic versus paid ads using first- and third-party data lists.
Kristoffer Smith, edVantage Focus Area: Electronic Media Production
In 2024, video is king! Is your video performing like the prince or more like the pauper? Learn the key elements of authentic, successful video storytelling and leave with actionable insights to increase your reach and impressions.
Ronna Johnson, edVantage
Focus Area
This November, Tax Ratification Elections could be rising on the school district elections scene as districts face shrinking or deficit budgets, declining enrollment, and/or rising operational costs. How do you explain all the complexities of the school finance system, legalistic ballot language, and get to the basics of how these funds will actually be used to the 65% of Texans who will be voting in the Presidential Election Cycle? Come learn the basics of how to message and win your TRE election.
Steven Anderson, PowerSchool Focus Area: Comms/PR/Marketing
Meet & Greet: Meet the NEW PowerSchool: Who We Are, What We Do, How We Can Help You!
Vivian Oliver-Hernandez, Canva for Education
Focus Area
Graphic Arts
Intermediate Canva for Education users with advanced skills will love this opportunity to gain some quick tips and tricks to make your design process more successful. Login to Canva and be ready to get real time support on designs that you are currently creating!
Jill Johnson, Class Intercom Focus Area: Comms/PR/Marketing
Class Intercom is THE social media management platform for educational use: create, schedule, moderate, publish & archive content with Unlimited users including staff and students!
Allison Bush, Steve Risser, Lacy Fenn, Olivia O’Neal, Gallagher
Focus Area
Gallagher Construction is guided by four core values: Integrity, Transparency, Trust, and Simplicity. These values shape their approach to business and inform their interactions with clients, employees, and partners.
Mark Franke, Relatrix
Focus Area
Relatrix helps school districts recruit, screen and track volunteer and business partners – ensuring engaged communities and safe schools.
Hillary Berman, Alboum
Focus Area
Alboum provides translation and interpretation for schools and districts in Texas and across the country. Dozens of languages available, purchased via 4 purchasing coops. Stop by to learn more!
Sharon Galluzzo, American Association of School Customer Service
Focus Area
The American Association of School Customer Service assists schools to improve service habits; positively impacting students, employee recruitment/retention, parental engagement, community investment and school/district productivity.
Charlene La Ferrier, Kimberly Gavrilles, Teacher Lists
Focus Area
TeacherLists is an easy-to-use online school supply list solution that helps schools and districts manage and share supply lists with families in seconds.
Chris Sorrell, TalkingPoints Focus Area: Comms/PR/Marketing
TalkingPoints is the simplest, most accessible communications platform for all schools & families, offering the highest quality translation so that no families are left out.
Harley Tamplin, Mark Wiggins, latakoo Focus Area: Comms/PR/Marketing
Discover latakoo, the cloud-based video workflow and collaboration platform. latakoo delivers unparalleled speed, ease and security in delivering content from any location to any destination.
Blake Freeman, Mark Merone, Rise Vision
Focus Area
Rise Vision is the #1 digital signage software solution for schools. Rise Vision helps schools improve communication, increase student involvement, celebrate student achievements, and create a positive school culture with our digital signage and HaaS offerings, and emergency alerts.
Teddy Daiber, Always On
Focus Area
AlwaysOn is an education-focused AI chatbot company dedicated to improving school communication, customer service, and the website experience. Learn more!
Trina Pruitt, We Go Public
Focus Area
We Go Public promotes the benefits of a PreK-12 public education and the wonderful things happening in its member ISDs. Want to become a member district? Learn how!
Cody Dastrup, Austin Taylor, Ryan Mortensen, Katie Blandford, Rob Brown, Qualtrics
Focus Area
Multi-Stakeholder Feedback & Tracking. Data Insights, Reporting & Dashboards. District Brand & Community Sentiment.
Maricela Arce, Texas Tuition Promise Fund
Focus Area
Texas Tuition Promise Fund® is the state’s prepaid college tuition plan that allows families to lock in today’s tuition rates at eligible Texas public colleges and universities.
Erika Dunn, Celebrate Media
Focus Area
Electronic Media Production
Celebrate Media Group creates videos that get attention and drive results. When you need staff training or a high-impact video, call in the Texas pros.
Jason Jeffery, CatapultK12 Focus Area: Comms/PR/Marketing
We believe in providing innovative and intuitive communication software solutions in the US K12 market. We view ourselves as partners with our clients and community and strive to develop a close working relationship with all those we interact with. Our goal is to provide the best user interface experience and be a leader in the industry, all while maintaining great customer service and our sense of humor.
Lisa Losasso Jackson, School District Marketing Academy
Focus Area
Gain invaluable expertise through the School District Marketing Academy! After years of training, keynotes, and workshops, I’ve created an easy-to-use system for your marketing goals. The vision? To empower school districts to market and promote all the great things they do and offer.

1:30 PM – 2:30 PM

Concurrent Breakout Sessions

Michelle DoPorto, Stephanie Whitlock; Birdville ISD
Focus Area
New Professional
Discover how Birdville ISD leveraged the versatile Canva tool to foster efficient staff collaboration across the district for creating feature-rich, eye-catching marketing content, provided at NO cost to educators. Also, explore how Canva is being utilized to easily share district-approved logos, branded colors, and fonts with staff, further elevating the visual appeal of our district-branded (and ADA compliant) marketing materials. Come and see how sweet it is to work smarter and not harder.
Adi Bryant, Chris Kingsley; Royse City ISD
Focus Area
Advanced Professional
Learn how Royse City ISD’s Comms Team shows our value to the school board. Identify ways to make fellow departments and campuses shine! Position your team as THE SOURCE for factual and attractive marketing materials that catch the eye of your board members and your community. Build advocacy for your team and hopefully score support for future projects and growth opportunities.
Skyler Hefley, Jacob Walker; Tyler ISD
Focus Area
CAUTION: Not attending this session may cause FOMO. Have you seen all the HYPE about Media Day? Attend this session, and we’ll teach you exactly how to do a Media Day from start to finish, including coordinating it, creating a studio, selecting equipment, and using the assets effectively. We even set up our pop-up studio for you to use at the end! PLUS, this isn’t only about athletics… we will show you how to include Fine Arts, too!
Rosario Meehan, Sylvia Puente; Cypress-Fairbanks ISD
Focus Area
Community Engagement
As the 3rd largest district in Texas, CFISD has a high percentage (46%) of Spanish-speaking families. We strive to provide the same quality translation services in all of our 95 campuses providing resources and training to our bilingual staff. Learn how the Spanish population in one of the largest suburban school districts benefits from our translation and interpretation services.
Adam Holland, MS; Walter Jackson, Ed.D.; La Porte ISD
Focus Area
La Porte ISD, like every other Texas school district, was facing a 19 percent inflation rate, a struggling economy and a state legislature bent on taking power (and money) from public school districts. Regardless, voters set approval records to build a new stadium and other projects. We’ll tell you how we accomplished this feat.

2:45 PM – 3:45 PM

Concurrent Breakout Sessions

Justin Elbert, Klein ISD
Focus Area
New Professional
Unleash the power of diverse PR strategies. Enhance stakeholder engagement through a blend of traditional and new media, digital strategy, and compelling narratives. Equip yourself with skills from video production to strategic communications, ensuring messages are not just consumed but cherished. Experience the richness of PR in Klein ISD, becoming the resourceful Templeton of your department.
Rick Herrin, Laura Truebenbach, Christopher Sayler; Argyle ISD
Focus Area
Advanced Professional
Onboarding a new Superintendent can be overwhelming with many unknown factors. Learn about the creative strategies used by Argyle ISD’s Communications team to successfully navigate the introduction and first 100 days of their new Superintendent. Walk away with helpful tips and practical ideas on integrating your Superintendent into the district’s community, making it an unforgettable experience for your new leader.
Corey Ryan, K12 Scholarus Learning
Focus Area
Community Engagement
Is your district using surveys to inform decisions like attendance zones, calendars, bond elections, or school-of-choice offerings? With those big decisions, reaching the most people is paramount to getting a response rate that benefits your decision-makers. In this session, attendees will hear from former Chief Communications Officer and TSPRA Board member Corey Ryan as he shares tools, resources, and strategies to increase your response rates.
Helen Escobar, Cynthia Talamante; Roma ISD
Focus Area
Event Planning
If you live in a small town, resources and budget may be scarce, but expectations can remain very high for you to put on a fabulous event. Attend this session to learn simple ideas to create a great event on a Dollar Tree dime. Participate in hands-on learning activities to spur your creativity, like centerpiece making and creating balloon columns.
Communications and Marketing Department, Crowley ISD; Teddy Daiber, AlwaysOn
Focus Area
The phone calls, emails and social media messages are endless. Your stakeholders have questions and even though the answers are on your website, getting them to the right page with the correct answers isn’t always easy. Come see how you can save time and sanity by installing an AI chatbot on your website that provides instant and personalized responses 24/7 to help you unplug after hours.
Kristin Zastoupil, Kelly Juntunen, CPC; Forney ISD
Focus Area
Whether you’re in election season for a bond or VATRE, come learn what Forney ISD did differently to pass over $2 billion in bonds in 2019 and 2022, and a 12 cent VATRE in 2023. From taking messaging straight to the doors of voters to recruiting volunteer voter deputy registrars to increase staff voters, tackling a bond or VATRE after the pandemic is different. We’ll share what helped us build trust and pass successful elections with 66% and 72% voter margins in a short 4 year period.
Courtney Junkin, Dr. Don Beck; Marion ISD; Travis Cram, edVantage Strategy Group
Focus Area
After facing disappointment with two failed bond proposals, Marion ISD refused to be deterred, and embarked on a third attempt, this time with a larger bond proposal. With a renewed sense of purpose and well-crafted proposal, the third time was the charm. This presentation will provide you with the lessons they learned from their previous attempts, identifying the areas for improvement, community engagement, financial planning, and the successful strategies used by Marion ISD.
Dr. Jordan Ziemer, Kaitlin Paonessa; Abilene ISD; Jim Zavala, San Antonio ISD; Lauren Habhegger, TSPRA
Focus Area
Unlock the potential of Trello as a versatile tool for project management, collaboration, and organization. Discover how Trello can enhance the productivity of both individual contributors and teams, enabling seamless coordination and streamlined workflows. Whether you’re a one-person office or part of a dynamic team, this session will empower you to level up your project management skills and harness the full capabilities of Trello for effective task management and collaboration.
Dr. Tony Tipton, Lumberton ISD
Focus Area
Join Dr. Tony Tipton, Superintendent at Lumberton ISD, as he recounts the challenging experience of a cyberattack. Explore the district’s cybersecurity measures at play, the sudden attack onset, immediate crisis management, communication strategies, data vulnerabilities, district responses, interactions with the cyber culprits, and the lasting impacts on the district. Learn from their firsthand experience to safeguard your district against cyber threats and better understand the inner workings of these attacks and how to respond.

3:45 PM – 4:15 PM

Snack Break

4:15 PM – 5:30 PM

Work/Life Balance Sessions, Fun/Run Walk

Choreographed dance routines, yoga, dedicated exercise time, ballroom dance classes, shopping, and more! Oh, my! TSPRA and our amazing sponsors are helping you find your Work/Life Balance!

Options are amazing, but seating is limited!


Yoga Sponsored by Finalsite

Focus Area

Work/Life Balance

Find your focus at Yes Yoga Studio, a 2-minute walk from the conference hotel!
Seating is limited. Must be registered to attend. Visit the Finalsite Booth during the conference to register!
Ballroom Dance Lessons Sponsored by ParentSquare
Fred Astaire Dance Studio
Focus Area
Work/Life Balance
Want to learn some fresh new steps to impress your friends on the dance floor?
Find your footing at the Fred Astaire Dance Studio right outside of the hotel! Visit the ParentSquare Booth during the conference to scan the QR Code to get registered!
“Livin the School PR Sweet Life” Fun Run/Walk
Renae Rives, Alvin ISD
Focus Area
Work/Life Balance

Join Us for a Sweet Adventure! Ready to add some sweetness to your day and add some bling to your collection? Lace up your running shoes and join us for a delightful journey through Sugar Land Town Square! Whether you’re a seasoned runner or just looking for a fun afternoon stroll, this event is perfect for everyone!

What to Expect:

  • Scenic Route: Explore the charming shops of Sugar Land as you walk or run with School PR friends.
  • Fun Atmosphere: Feel the energy of the crowd as we come together for a memorable experience.
  • Sweet Surprises: Enjoy treats and goodies along the way, making your journey even more enjoyable.
  • School PR Spirit: Show your support for your local Education Foundation while having a blast with fellow participants.
Stressed Out? Dance it Out! Sponsored by We Go Public
Lisa Losasso Jackson, We Go Public
Focus Area
Work/Life Balance
Lisa Losasso Jackson shares the moves she has made to support a healthy lifestyle, side-stepping the stress of the day, embracing some new moves, while enjoying the fellowship of colleagues and friends!

Get Your Shop On!

Focus Area

Work/Life Balance

Head for Sugar Land Town Square to discover some unique boutiques, while enjoying a little time away from the hotel. Serious shoppers can head to First Colony Mall for all your favorite, fabulous finds! Find a new favorite treasure around every corner at Painted Tree, home to a unique entrepreneurial spirit. Retail therapy is therapy!

4:00 PM – 5:00 PM

Exhibit Area Tear Down

6:00 PM – 7:00 PM

Star Awards Reception – Sponsored by PowerSchool

7:00 PM – 9:30 PM

Star Awards Banquet [Pre-purchased Ticket Required $80] – Sponsored by PowerSchool

9:30 PM – 11:00 PM

Star Awards Celebration – Sponsored by PowerSchool